What is E-A-T and Why E-A-T is important for SEO?

E-A-T is the Expertise Authoritativeness and trustworthyness and E-A-T is the related to How Google rank any webpage in search engine result(SERP). E-A-T is drive for following all Google guidelines which will be help you to rank your webpage on Google.
E-A-T stand for the three word Expertise, author and Trust these three word is created by Google which really help you to rank your webpage on Google.
Expertise: In Oxford University Expertise word is define by the “ Expert or Detail Knowledge about in any specific field” If are going to offer in Services or Product in Market then you must have deep knowledge about that product or services You would be expert level knowledge about that field.
Authoritativeness:  It means any website or person whom “Able to be trusted as being accurate or true. As expertise is detailed knowledge about any specific services or product same as authority is measured to see how well you, where is your brand and all.
Trustworthiness:  Trustworthiness , You can under the meaning of trustworthiness It’s related to trust how much any one trust on you or your brand. It is very measure part for any Brand or Business.
If anyone offer you something then it means they have something better or you”ll check from where they are coming or you will check their brand on internet if they are brand or they are trustfull then you will be accept their proposal otherwise if they don’t have online presence or anything then you”ll denied to accept their business proposal.
Trust lost is rarely regained:
Now a days Google are start measuring all things which is doing by us , Google always measure every steps. Trust is like website whatever back links you are generating for your website Google measure that if that is good are having well content if Google think that this is good then you”ll be able to rank your webpage on Google easily.
Where does E-A-T come from?
The E-A-T comes from set of publically available guidline which is published Google for educational benefits.
Search quality Raters:
You can easily understand by the name Search Quality Raters it is related to the Quality Assurance team at the any company no matter that is large or small. Their main  task is checking quality of the search results following by computer science. 

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